As assortment of Pandemic paintings that helped direct me to new pathways of creation. Bright colors, dead stock textiles, and themes of domesticity made for a collection to help us through uncertain times.
cord cutting, 2020. 6x12", oil on dead stock textile over panel.
a homemaker's omen, 2020. 18x20", oil on dead stock textile.
go ask alice, 2020. 8x8", oil on dead stock textile over panel.
mama's copper kettle, 2020. 8x8", oil on dead stock textile over panel.
tell me what you see, 2020. 18x20", oil on dead stock textile.
inner queen, 2020. 6x12", oil on dead stock textile over panel.
collective consciousness in the astral plane, 2020. 32x23", oil on dead stock textile.
recipe box, 2020. 9x12", oil on panel.
it costs a lotta money to look this cheap!, 2020. 4x4", oil on panel. Part of the "What Would Dolly Do?" mini series.
cup of ambition, 2020. 4x4", oil on panel. Part of the "What Would Dolly Do?" series.
9 to 5, 2020. 4x4", oil on panel. Part of the "What Would Dolly Do?" mini series.
little sparrow, 2020. 4x4", oil on panel. Part of the "What Would Dolly Do?" mini series.
hard candy Christmas, 2020. 4x4", oil on panel. Part of the "What Would Dolly Do?" mini series.